Thursday, January 30, 2014

Post #1: Introduction

I am Apollo, brother to Artemis, son of Zeus and Leto.  Some call me Apollon, but I prefer Apollo.
Are you wondering who the god of healing, music, poetry, prophecy, plague and disease, archery, and protection of the young is?  Well, it's me.

You can see me walking around with my bow and lyre.  I play so beautifully that when people are mad at me, I can make a little song and they aren't mad anymore.  I've got plenty of responsibilities, too.  Everyday I have to drive my fiery chariot across the sky to lighten the world.  Yeah, that's right, I'm also the god of the sun.

I've accomplished much in my life, like slaying the serpent Python and the giant Tityos, along with destroying Niobides.  Did I also mention that in the music contest between the satyr Marsyas and me, I won?  That's just to list a few, though.