Monday, February 24, 2014

Post #10: Facts About the Other Deities

Artemis: Zeus gave her the mountains when she was 3 years old.

Hermes: He invented gymnastics and boxing. Also, he is the god of thievery and mischief.

Dionysus: was born out of Zeus's thigh.

Freya: Her favorite season is spring, her favorite animal is the cat, and she cries amber and gold.

Ra: The Eye of Ra is his feminine counterpart.

Isis: Has an empty throne on her head representing her dead husband.

Balder: Was killed by a mistletoe dart.

Raven:  was the first bird to fly out of Noah's Arc.

Demeter: created sneezing.

Loki: Son of two frost giants, and can change shape and gender.

Horus: Said that Jesus is a copy of him.  Also, he married his mom and had four kids.

Odin: He is the god of war and death

Thor:  Besides being a cross-dresser, he has a hammer made by dwarf brothers.

Guanyin: the goddess of mercy.  The Bodhisattva form of her has 1,000 arms.

Osiris: Lord of the Underworld, and god of vegetation and fertility.

1 comment:

  1. You would be surprised but what you said I made most of the same things...
